Friday, August 17, 2007

Halong By Junk Cruise

We spent two days and one night on a Junk. The scenery was spectacular. It was very hazy from the humidity as you can see in the pictures. The second picture is of a floating fishing farm where they raise shrimp, fish and crab. They seafood on the boat was incredible. The little boat was a floating convienent store. Pop, water, gifts she had it. The Junks are over 60' long and they drive them the way they drive their cars. It was fun.

1 comment:

Lucienne & Co said...

Hello Wakatobi's friends!
We want to thank you for your nice views of Vietnam! It seems to be a really nice place.
The pictures of the Halong Bay make us dreaming, maybe onetime...
We wish you a nice end of your travel.
Our memories of Wakatobi will help us back to the working life.