Friday, August 24, 2007

Tour of Danang area

Ron Dudek of Military Historical Tours set us up with a local guide in Danang who is familiar with all the Marine Bases and historical sites. Tran Thanh and his driver picked us up at our hotel in a Ford Transit Van. Thanh is in white shirt wearing a USMC hat. We stopped for gas and I snapped a couple of photos. Note the look on Amy's face as she exits the ladies room. The gas station was on Highway one just south of Danang.

1 comment:

Dave Macedonia said...

This is a great site. I have re-visited Vietnam many times. Thanh (Tang) is usually our guide. Ron Didek is also a close friend. I was with D/501, 101st Airborne in 1969-71 from Phu Bai north to the DMZ

Great site-Dave Macedonia